Saturday, July 21, 2012


T.O. awaits us... 



We got to Toronto in the middle of a heat-wave...36 degrees by day, and massive thunderstorms and lightning by night!! Neat introduction to the big city, but unfortunately, we spent most of our time at the hotel pool (too bad Pierre had to work at his conference). I made the mistake of trying to walk to the hockey hall of fame from our hotel, and the kids had melted in the heated and totally disintegrated by the time we got there, so we took a taxi back to the hotel and went swimming instead. (everyone had the same idea of beating the heat inside a huge air conditioned building, and the-line up was massive)
We did manage to get to the Ontario Science Center, which was super cool, and Pierre was totally in his element there! We also went to the Royal Ontario Museum, CN Tower (the glass floor was super cool), and Centreville Island; which we had to take a ferry to get there, and it had another amusement park so we got to go on some more really awesome rides!!!
The kids thought our hotel was pretty swank, and were once again spoiled by the luxury of staying at a conference hotel. We overlooked the "new" City Hall, and were two blocks away from Yonge Street.
We really enjoyed going to the Distillery District for dinners, and Samuel tickled the ivories of a public street piano that was there. Before we left the big city, we also made it to China town for some cheap tourist shopping, and good eats!

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